Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology - Basic Definitions

  1. Macule - discolored but non-elevated patch of skin/mucosa
  2. Plaque - slightly elevated abnormal patch
  3. Nodule - large, solid, elevated mass in excess of 5mm
  4. Verrucous - characterized by formation of warty lesions
  5. Vesicle - small membranous fluid-filled pouch
  6. Bulla - larger singular fluid-filled pouch
  7. Pustule - pus-containing circumscribed elevated of the mucosa
  8. Ulcer - break in skin or mucosa with disintegration past the epithelium
  9. Erosion - break in skin or mucosa that doesn't pass the epithelium
  10. Fissure - slit in tissue past the epithelium
  11. Petechia - minute reddish or purplish spot containing blood as a consequence of localized hemorrhage
  12. Ecchymosis - discoloration of skin or mucosa resulting from bleeding underneath
  13. Cyst - closed sac lined by epithelium and developing abnormally into a cavity
  14. Abscess - pus-containing cavity
  15. Neoplasms
    • Adenonoma - glandular in origin
    • Adenocarcinoma - glandular in origin, not necessarily benign
    • Carcinoma - originates in epithelium
    • Sarcoma - originates in mesenchymal tissue
    • Fibroma - benign tumor composed of fibrous connective tissue
    • Squamous cell carcinoma - most common cancer of the oral cavity