
  1. Endo: "within"; Odont: "tooth"; The study of the structures within the tooth
  2. Approximately 30 million endodontic procedures performed a year; 7.5 million by endodontists
  3. A majority of dentists don't always use dental dams during endodontic procedures (53%)
  4. 97% of endodontically treated teeth are still in the mouth after 8 years
  5. Root canal treatment is performed when the pulp becomes inflamed or infected due to injury, deep caries, trauma, or dental procedures
  6. During treatment, the infected pulp is removed, and the canals are disinfected and filled
  7. Fibroblasts and odontoblasts produce collagen in the pulp, of which type I is the most prominent
  8. Dendritic cells are the most common immunocyte in the pulp
  9. Odontoblasts possess a unique cell body and cell process, which are responsible for production and secretion of dentin
  10. Dentin can be primary, secondary, or tertiary in nature
    • Primary dentin is the dentin formed during initial tooth development, and possesses a tubular structure
    • Secondary dentin structurally resembles primary dentin, and is formed throughout the tooth's life following complete development of the roots
    • Tertiary dentin is categorized as reactionary or reparative, and formed in response to trauma or damage
    • Reactionary dentin structurally resembles primary and secondary dentin, and is secreted by odontoblasts
    • Reparative dentin structurally resembles bone and is atubular, and is secreted by odontoblast-like cells, which resemble osteocytes