Endocrine Pharmacology I - Hypothalamus and Pituitary

  1. GnRH stimulates FSH and LH
  2. GHRH stimulates GH
  3. Somatostatin inhibits GH and TSH
  4. TRH (thyrotropin) stimulates TSH and Prolactin
  5. VIP stimulates Prolactin
  6. Dopamine inhibits Prolactin and TSH
  7. CRH, ADH stimulate ACTH and endorphins
  8. ADH and oxytocin are stored in the posterior pituitary, others in the anterior
  9. Tesamorelin (test) is a synthetic form of GHRH used to diagnose GHRH and HR sufficiency or treat adiposity in HIV patients
  10. Somatropin is recombinant growth hormone used in treating deficiency
  11. Mecasermin is a recombinant form of IGF-1, for use in children who don't respond to GH
  12. Gigantism occurs if excessive GH prior to fusion of long bones, acromegaly if excessive GH afterwards
  13. Pegvisomant is a growth hormone antagonist - can elevate liver enzymes and induce lipodystrophy
  14. Octreotide and lanreotide are SST analogs
  15. Bromocriptine and cabergoline are dopamine agonists that can reduce growth hormone release in high doses
  16. Domperidone can stimulate prolactin production as a dopamine receptor antagonist
  17. Bromocriptine and cabergoline are dopamine agonists used to suppress prolactin release
  18. Atosiban is an oxytocin antagonist
  19. Vasopressin and desmopressin can treat diabetes insipidus
  20. The -vaptans are vasopressin receptor antagonists, and Tolvaptan can only be given for 30 days due to hepatotoxicity concerns