Endodontic Materials

  1. Gutta-Percha - biologically-inert rubber-like material used for obturation by way of lateral or vertical condensation
  2. MTA - mineral trioxide aggregate, i.e. purified Portland Cement - used for sealing endodontic perforations, creating apical plugs, treating internal root resorption, or as a pulp-capping material. Biocompatible and antimicrobial in nature,
  3. Sodium hypochlorite - commonly used as an endodontic irrigant, to debride the chamber and canals as well as flush away necrotic debris during cleaining/instrumentation
  4. EDTA - ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid, used in 17% concentration as a lubricant and to remove the smear layer
  5. Calcium Hydroxide - used primarily as an inter-appointment inctracanal medicament, owing to its biocidal properties
  6. Chlorhexidine - used in 2% concentration to disinfect the root canals. Particularly effective against E. faecalis
  7. QMix - blend containing chlorhexidine, EDTA, surfactant, and sodium hypochlorite
  8. IRM - intermediate restorative material, used as a filling material between appointments